WMO WIGOS Metadata Standard Reference

This documentation focuses on the WMO WIGOS Metadata Standard based schema enhancements in pygeometa.

pygeometa's MCF model for WIGOS Metadata inherits as well as extends the core MCF constructs.


Codes for WMO WIGOS are available at http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr



See MCF reference


See MCF reference. WMO WIGOS MCF add the contact type facility to attach contact information to a facility. The pointOfContact MCF contact is attached to the wmdr:Header element.


See MCF reference


The facility object consists of 1..n keys. Key names are up to the user with key objects having the model below.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
identifier Mandatory WMO WIGOS identifier 0-20008-0-JFJ WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 8.6.4
name Mandatory WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3
type Mandatory The type of the observing facility from the Station/platform type codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_FacilityType) landFixed WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
geopositioning_method Optional Element describes the geospatial reference system used for the specified geolocation (codelist http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_GeopositioningMethod) gps WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.2.2
url Optional An online resource containing additional information about the facility or equipment https://example.org/station/123 WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.2.2
date_established Mandatory Date at which the observingFacility was established. Normally considered to be the date the first observations were made 2011-11-11T11:11:11Z WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
wmo_region Mandatory The WMO region the observing facility is located in, from the WMORegionType codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_WMORegion) northCentralAmericaCaribbean WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2


The territory object is a child of the facility object and allows for specifying 1..n child objects to model changing territory names over time. At least one child object is required.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name Mandatory The territory the observing facility is located in, from the TerritoryType codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_TerritoryName) CAN WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
valid_period Optional Specifies at least the begin date of the indicated territoryName. If omitted, the dateEstablished of the facility will be assumed begin: 2011-11-11, end: now WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2


The spatiotemporal object is a child of the facility object and allows for specifying 1..n child objects to model a moving location over time. At least one child object is required.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
timeperiod Mandatory Specifies at least the begin date accompanying the location begin: 2011-11-11, end: now WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 7.9
location Mandatory. The location property includes a crs property (EPSG code), and point property (x,y,z) Representative or conventional geospatial location of observing facility, the reference location. This will always be a point location, but this location can change with time. crs: 4326, point: -75,45,400, end: now WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 7.9


The program_affiliation object is a child of the facility object and allows for specifying 1..n child objects to model program affiliations.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
program Mandatory Program Affiliation, see http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_ProgramAffiliation GOS WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2


The reporting_status object is a child of the program_affiliation object and allows for specifying 1..n child objects to model program affiliations reporting status over time.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
status Mandatory Declared reporting status of the observing facility from the ReportingStatusType codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_ReportingStatus) operational
valid_period Optional Specifies at least the begin date of the indicated reportingStatus. begin: 2011-11-11, end: now


The climate_zone object is a child of the facility object and allows for specifying 0..n child objects to model changing climate zones over time.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name Mandatory Climate zone of the observing facility, from the ClimateZone codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_ClimateZone) snowFullyHumidCoolSummer WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
valid_period Optional Specifies at least the begin date of the indicated climate zone. If omitted, the dateEstablished of the facility will be assumed begin: 2011-11-11, end: now WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2


The surface_cover object is a child of the facility object and allows for specifying 0..n child objects to model changing surface covers over time.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name Mandatory Predominant surface cover, from the given surface cover classification scheme and the SurfaceCover codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_SurfaceCover) rainfedCroplands WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
surface_cover_classification Mandatory Surface cover classification scheme, from the SurfaceCoverClassification codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_SurfaceCoverClassification) globCover2009 WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
valid_period Optional Specifies at least the begin date. If omitted, the dateEstablished of the facility will be assumed begin: 2011-11-11, end: now WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2


The surface_roughness object is a child of the facility object and allows for specifying 0..n child objects.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name Mandatory Surface roughness of surrounding of the observing facility, from the SurfaceRoughness codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_SurfaceRoughness) rough WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
valid_period Optional Specifies at least the begin date of the indicated surface roughness. If omitted, the dateEstablished of the facility will be assumed begin: 2011-11-11, end: now WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2


The topography_bathymetry object is a child of the facility object and allows for specifying 0..n child objects to model topography or bathymetry descriptions over time.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
local_topography Optional Local topography of the observing facility from the LocalTopography codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_LocalTopography) flat WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
relative_elevation Optional Relative elevation of the observing facility compared to its surrounding, from the RelativeElevation codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_RelativeElevation) inapplicable WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
topographic_context Optional Topographic context of the observing facility, from the TopographicContext codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_TopographicContext) plains WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
altitude_or_depth Optional Altitude or depth of observing facility, from the AltitudeOrDepth codelist (http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/_AltitudeOrDepth) middleAltitude WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
valid_period Optional Specifies at least the begin date. If omitted, the dateEstablished of the facility will be assumed begin: 2011-11-11, end: now WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2


The observations object is a child of the facility object and allows for specifying 0..n child objects to model observations provided by a facility.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name mandatory Freeform name of observed property Total column ozone WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 4.3.2
timeperiod Optional The time period over which the property is observed. begin: 2011-11-11, end: now WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 6.2.5
url mandatory The online resource of the final result (output) of the observation https://example.org/data/atmos/spectral/total-column-ozone/111 WIGOS Metadata Representation, Section 6.2.5
observedproperty Mandatory The property type being observed (ObservingMethodAtmosphere, ObservingMethodTerrestrial, ObservedVariableAtmosphere, ObservedVariableEarth, ObservedVariableOcean, ObservedVariableOuterSpace, ObservedVariableTerrestrial) and name (see WMO code lists) relevant to the type type: ObservingMethodAtmosphere, name: 263