OGC CSW Specification

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) OpenGIS Catalog Service Implementation Specification, currently at version 2.0.2, is a standard for discovering and retrieving spatial data and metadata. Catalog Services for the Web (CSW) is a profile/part of the Catalog Service Implementation Specificaton that allows for publishing and searching of metadata.



CSW defines several possible operations to discover and retrieve metadata, and groups these operations into 3 “classes”:

Service Class
  • GetCapabilities (mandatory) - allow clients to retrieve information describing the service instance
Discovery Class
  • DescribeRecord (mandatory) - allows a client to discover elements of the information model supported by the target catalog service
  • GetRecords (mandatory) - get metadata records
  • GetRecordById (optional) - get metadata records by ID
  • GetDomain (optional) - obtain runtime information about the range of values of a metadata record element or request parameter.
Management Class
  • Harvest (optional) - references the data to be inserted or updated in the catalog
  • Transaction (optional) - defines an interface for creating, modifying and deleting catalog records.

Example Live Requests