Workshop Requirements

The pycsw workshop requires the following installed locally:

  • 7-Zip (ability to extract .7z files)
  • VirtualBox (virtual machine software, ability to load virtual disk *.vmdk files)
  • OSGeo-Live Virtual Machine (which contains pycsw)


We recommend using the OSGeo-Live Virtual Machine method, although OSGeo-Live is available also through a bootable DVD or USB drive.

1. Install VirtualBox

  • download the VirtualBox platform package for your local machine
  • run the installer, and select the default setup options (approve any device security questions)

2. Download OSGeo-Live


You’ll need a minimum of 10GB of free hard disk space, as well as a machine with 2GB of RAM.


  • download the OSGeo-Live Virtual Machine (*.7z) file. It will likely take you ~1 hour to download the 3GB file. There are several sites you can download this from:


  • using 7-Zip, open the .7z archive and extract the .vmdk file onto your hard disk (the extracted file is ~10GB in size)

3. Create Virtual Machine

  • start VirtualBox (“Oracle VM VirtualBox)

  • click on the New button to create a VM

  • enter “osgeo-live” for the name, and select Type: Linux and Version: Ubuntu

  • In the next screen set the memory to 1024 MB (or more if your host computer has more than 4GB).

  • Continue to the next screen and choose “Use existing hard disk”. Then click on the button (a folder icon) to browse to where you saved the *.vmdk file. Select this file, press Next and Create.

  • Once the VM is created, click on the Settings button. In the “General” section, go to the Advanced tab, and click to select “Show at top of screen” for the Mini toolbar.

  • In the “Display” section and increase video memory to 32 or 64 MB.

  • In the “Shared Folders” section, click the “Add folder” (green + icon on the right) to find a directory on your machine that you wish to share inside the VM.


    Once the “Folder path” and “Folder name” are defined, click OK, and close the settings window.

4. Run the Virtual Machine

  • Now bootup the VM by clicking the Start (green arrow) button. OK any warning messages.

  • To improve video performance and enable the shared folders, open the Devices menu and click “Install Guest Additions”.

  • Next, on the desktop you will see an icon named “VBOXADDITIONS_4.2.12_84980”, click it (this mounts the drive). You can then close this window.

  • Open a Terminal window (in top left click “Applications” / “Accessories” / “Terminal Emulator”

  • In the Terminal, execute the following:

    user@osgeolive:~$ sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
       password: user
    user@osgeolive:~$ cd /media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.2.12_84980
    user@osgeolive:/media/VBOXADDITIONS_4.2.12_84980$ sudo ./
  • reboot the machine (click on “user” in top-right of desktop, and select “Reboot”)

  • Open a Terminal window again, and execute the following (where “osgeo-live-shared” is the name you entered earlier in the Settings for the shared folder):

    user@osgeolive:~$ mkdir shared
    user@osgeolive:~$ sudo mount -t vboxsf -o uid=user,rw osgeo-live-shared /home/user/shared

    You can now create a test folder on your local machine (in my case “ttt”) and then view it within the virtual machine.
