Metadata Control File Reference

Version: 1.0

Basic Concepts

  • Sections are case sensitive
  • Section parameters are case sensitive
  • Section parameter values are case sensitive
  • YAML rules, conventions and features are suppported, such as:
  • node anchors / references
  • data typing
  • If an optional section is specified, then its child parameters' cardinality are enforced
  • Filename conventions are up to the user. However, below are some suggestions:
    • use .yml as file extension
    • name the MCF basename the same as the dataset (e.g. foo.shp, foo.yml)
  • To add a comment in a MCF, a line that begins with a hash tag (#) will be ignored
  • If you have a colon (:) in your text / value, use quotation marks (" or ') on either side of your text to avoid mapping errors when parsing the YAML file

Version format

MCFs are versioned using X.Y (MAJOR.MINOR changes) format. If a non supported MCF version is provided, pygeometa will throw an error and stop processing the MCF. Thus, the user must provide a valid and supported MCF version to generate the metadata.


The MCF MUST be utf8 encoded. That is all.

Is your MCF Encoded as UTF8?

# editing in vim
# :set encoding=utf8
# pasting in vim
# in insert mode, hit CTRL-V $CODE, where $CODE is as per
# to see how the file is actually encoded on disk
file --mime-encoding file.txt
file -i file.txt
# to convert from one encoding to another
iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 file.yml >

Nesting MCFs

In the case where the user is generating metadata for multiple datasets which have common information, it becomes efficient to nest MCF together. pygeometa allows chaining MCFs to inherit values from other MCFs. Example: multiple datasets MCFs can refer a single MCF that contain contact information common to all those datasets.

To use MCF nesting:

  • At the top of any section of a MCF add base_mcf: foo.yml
  • Specify the corresponding section in the base_mcf file

Notes about nesting MCFs:

  • You can refer to one base_mcf per section of a MCF
  • Multiple sections can refer to the same base_mcf file
  • When a parameter is defined in both the base_mcf file and the current MCF, it's always the current MCF that overwrites the base_mcf file
    • Note that if a parameter in the current MCF is a YAML list, the corresponding base_mcf list (if it exists) is entirely overwritten
  • MCFs can be nested in chains, meaning a MCF can be use a 'child' MCF and be used by a 'parent' MCF

Environment variables

pygeometa supports environment variables, using the notation in the example MCF snippet below:

    identifier: 3f342f64-9348-11df-ba6a-0014c2c00eab
    parentidentifier: ${COLLECTION_ID}

Multilingual support

pygeometa supports default and alternate languages in ISO metadata.

Multilingual support is driven by the following sections in [metadata]:

  • language: 2 letter language code (i.e. en, fr) of primary language
  • language_alternate: 2 letter language code (i.e. en, fr) of secondary language


    language: en
    language_alternate: fr

If language_alternate is not defined or missing, pygeometa assumes a single language.

Values which support multilingual values can be specified with as keys to denote the respective language. Examples:

# single language
title: foo

# single language, explicit
    en: foo

# two languages, explicit
    en: foo
    fr: bar

The language value in the metadata section must be a 2 letters language code. The user can use any language. For example: es for Spanish.



Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
version Mandatory version of MCF format 1.0 pygeometa


Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
identifier Mandatory unique identifier for this metadata file 11800c2c-e6b9-11df-b9ae-0014c2c00eab ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1
language Mandatory primary language used for documenting metadata, the metadata records themselves can be provided in multiple languages nonetheless en ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1
language_alternate Optional alternate language used for documenting metadata en ISO 19115:2003 Annex J
charset Mandatory full name of the character coding standard used for the metadata set utf8 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1
parentidentifier Optional file identifier of the metadata to which this metadata is a subset 11800c2c-e6b9-11df-b9ae-0014c2c33ebe ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1
hierarchylevel Mandatory level to which the metadata applies (must be one of 'series', 'software', 'featureType', 'model', 'collectionHardware', 'collectionSession', 'nonGeographicDataset', 'propertyType', 'fieldSession', 'dataset', 'service', 'attribute', 'attributeType', 'tile', 'feature', 'dimensionGroup' dataset ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1
datestamp Mandatory date that the metadata was created, pygeometa supports specifying the $date$ or $datetime$ variable to update the date value at run time 2000-11-11 or 2000-01-12T11:11:11Z ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1
dataseturi Optional Uniformed Resource Identifier (URI) of the dataset to which the metadata applies urn:x-wmo:md:int.wmo.wis:: ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1


Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
datatype Mandatory method used to represent geographic information in the dataset (must be one of 'vector', 'grid', 'textTable', 'tin', 'stereoModel', 'video') vector Section B.5.26
geomtype Mandatory name of point or vector objects used to locate zero-, one-, two-, or threedimensional spatial locations in the dataset (must be one of 'complex', 'composite', 'curve', 'point', 'solid', 'surface') point ISO 19115:2003 B.5.15


Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
doi Optional Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 12345 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.1
language Optional language(s) used within the dataset. If the dataset is made of numerical values, the dataset language can be set to 'missing', 'withheld', 'inapplicable', 'unknown' or 'template' eng; CAN ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.2.1
charset Optional full name of the character coding standard used for the dataset eng; CAN ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1
title Mandatory name by which the cited resource is known Important Bird Areas ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.1
edition Optional version of the cited resource 1.8.0 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.1
abstract Mandatory brief narrative summary of the content of the resource(s) Birds in important areas... ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.2.1
topiccategory Optional main theme(s) of the dataset (must be one of 'geoscientificInformation', 'farming', 'elevation', 'utilitiesCommunication', 'oceans', 'boundaries', 'inlandWaters', 'intelligenceMilitary', 'environment', 'location', 'economy', 'planningCadastre','biota', 'health', 'imageryBaseMapsEarthCover', 'transportation', 'society', 'structure', 'climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere'. More than one topic category can be specified climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere ISO 19115:2003 Section B.5.27
fees Optional fees and terms for retreiving the resource. Include monetary units (as specified in ISO 4217). If there are no fees, use the term 'None' None ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.10.6
accessconstraints Optional access constraints applied to assure the protection of privacy or intellectual property, and any special restrictions or limitations on obtaining the resource or metadata (must be one of 'patent', 'otherRestrictions','copyright','trademark', 'patentPending','restricted','license', 'intellectualPropertyRights'). If there are no accessconstraints, use the term 'otherRestrictions' None ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.3
rights Mandatory Information about rights held in and over the resource. pygeometa supports using the $year$ variable to update the year value at run time. Copyright (c) 2010 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada DMCI 1.1
url Mandatory URL of the dataset to which the metadata applies http://host/path/ ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.1
status Mandatory "the status of the resource(s) (must be one of 'planned','historicalArchive','completed','onGoing', 'underDevelopment','required','obsolete')" completed ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.2.1
maintenancefrequency Optional frequency with which modifications and deletions are made to the data after it is first produced (must be one of 'continual', 'daily', 'weekly', 'fortnightly', 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'biannually', 'annually', 'asNeeded', 'irregular', 'notPlanned', 'unknown' continual ISO 19115:2003 B.5.18
browsegraphic Optional graphic that provides an illustration of the dataset ISO 19115:2003 B.2.2.2


identification.dates sections can have 1..n dates sections as required with the following object names/types:

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
creation Mandatory* 'creation' reference date for the cited resource, referring to when the resource was brought into existence, *: presence of creation or publication or revision is mandatory 2000-09-01 or 2000-09-01T00:00:00Z ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.4
publication Optional* 'publication' reference date for the cited resource, referring to when the resource was issued, *: presence of creation or publication or revision is mandatory 2000-09-01 or 2000-09-01T00:00:00Z ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.4
revision Optional* 'revision' reference date for the cited resource, refersring to when the resource was examined or re-examined and improved or amended, *: presence of creation or publication or revision is mandatory 2000-09-01 or 2000-09-01T00:00:00Z ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.4
        creation: 2011-11-11
        publication: 2000-09-01T00:00:00Z


identification.extents sections can have 1..n spatial and temporal sections as required with the following properties.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
spatial.bbox Mandatory geographic position of the dataset, formatted as as list of [minx,miny,maxx,maxy] -141,42,-52,84 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.1.2 Mandatory EPSG code identifier 4326 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.7.3
spatial.description Optional description of the geographic area using an identifier Toronto, Ontario, Canada ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.1.2
temporal.begin Optional Starting time period covered by the content of the dataset, either time period (startdate/enddate) or a single point in time value 1950-07-31 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.1.3
temporal.end Optional End time period covered by the content of the dataset, either time period (startdate/enddate) or a single point in time value. For data updated in realtime, use the term now now ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.1.3
temporal.resolution Optional Minimum time period resolvable in the dataset, as an ISO 8601 duration P1D ISO 19108
            - bbox: [-141,42,-52,84]
              crs: 4326
            - begin: 1950-07-31
              end: now
              resolution: P1D


identification sections can have 1..n keywords sections as required using nesting. Example:

                en: [foo1, bar1]
                fr: [foo2, bar2]
            keywords_type: theme
                name: my vocabulary
                en: [foo3, bar3]
                fr: [foo4, bar4]
            keywords_type: theme

Schema specific keywords sections

  • wmo: World Meteorological Organization keywords (used for WMO Core Metadata Profile)
  • gc_cst: Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus (used for HNAP)
  • hnap_category_information: HNAP
  • hnap_category_geography: HNAP
  • hnap_category_content: HNAP

Within each keywords section, the following elements are supported:

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
keywords Mandatory category keywords keyword1,keyword2,keyword3 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.2.1
keywords_type Mandatory subject matter used to group similar keywords (must be one of 'discipline', 'place', 'stratum', 'temporal', 'theme') theme ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.2.3
keywords_codelist Optional specific code list URL (for advanced use cases, else the default is as per the given specified schema) ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.2.3

identification.keywords sections can specify an optional vocabulary section with the following elements:

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name Mandatory name of the source of keywords (English) my thesaurus name ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.2.3
url Optional URL of source of keywords -

identification.license sections can provide a optinoal license via a name or URL using the following elements:

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name Mandatory name of license CC BY 4.0 -
url Optional URL of license -


Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
type Mandatory Content type (must be one of 'coverage', 'image', 'feature_catalogue' image ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.8.1
cloud_cover Optional area of the dataset obscured by clouds, expressed as a percentage of the spatial extent 72 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.8.1
processing_level Optional image distributor’s code that identifies the level of radiometric and geometric processing that has been applied L1 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.8.1


content_info sections can have 1..n attributes sections as required using nesting. Example:

    - name: temperature
          en: Air temperature
          en: Description of air temperature attribute
      type: number
      units: K
      values: [1.2, 2.5, 1.3]
Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name Mandatory attribute name temperature
title Optional attribute title Air temperature
abstract Optional attribute description Description of air temperature
url Optional URL with more information about the attribute Air temperature
type Optional data type (must be one of 'string', 'number', 'integer', 'object', 'array', 'boolean') string
units Optional SI units K
values Optional specification of attribute values see below

Attributes may also provide the values within a given domain, via one of the following constructs:

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
enum Optional Enumerated list of values [1, 2, 3, 4]


    enum: [1, 2, 3. 4]
Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
range Optional Range of values (min/max) [1, 4]


    range: [1, 4]
Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
codelist Optional codelist of values see below Mandatory value name foo
codelist.title Optional value title Foo
codelist.abstract Optional value abstract Description of value Foo
codelist.url Optional URL with more information about the value


     - name: foo
           en: foo title
           en: foo description


content_info objects support 1..n dimension objects.

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
name Mandatory name of dimension B1 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.8.2
units Mandatory units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed nm ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.8.2
min Mandatory shortest wavelength that the sensor is capable of collecting within a designated band 101 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.8.2
max Mandatory longest wavelength that the sensor is capable of collecting within a designated band 199 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.8.2


MCFs can have 1..n contact sections as required using nesting. Example:


The contact.pointOfContact section provides information for the pointOfContact role (see ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.1). This section is minimally required.

Within each contact section, the following elements are supported:

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
organization Mandatory name of the responsible organization Environment Canada ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.1
url Mandatory on-line information that can be used to contact the individual or organization http://host/path ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.3
individualname Mandatory name of the responsible person-surname given name title seperated by a delimiter
positionname Mandatory role or position of the responsible person Senior Systems Scientist ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.1
phone Mandatory telephone number by which individuals can speak to the responsible organization or individual +01-123-456-7890 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.7
fax Mandatory telephone number of a facsimile machine for the responsible organization or individual +01-123-456-7890 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.7
address Mandatory address line for the location (as described in ISO 11180 Annex A) 4905 Dufferin Street
city Mandatory city of the location Toronto ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.2
administrativearea Mandatory state, province of the location Ontario ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.2
postalcode Mandatory ZIP or other postal code M3H 5T4 ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.2
country Mandatory country of the physical address Canada ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.2
email Mandatory address of the electronic mailbox of the responsible organization or individual foo@bar.tld ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.2
hoursofservice Optional time period (including time zone) when individuals can contact the organization or individual 0700h - 1500h EST ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.3
contactinstructions Optional supplementalinstructions on how or when to contact the individual or organization contact during working business hours ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.3


The contact.distributor section provides information for the distributor role (see ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.1) and has the identical structure as contact.pointOfContact.

If contact information is the same for both, use YAML node anchors and references to have it provided in both sections in the metadata:

    pointOfContact: &id_contact_poc

    distributor: *id_contact_poc


MCFs can have 1..n distribution sections as required using nesting. Example:


Within each distribution section, the following elements are supported:

Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
url Mandatory location (address) for on-line access using a Uniform Resource Locator address or similar addressing scheme such as http://host/path ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.5
type Mandatory connection protocol to be used. Must be one of the identifier values from WWW:LINK ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.5
rel Optional the type or semantic of the relation. The value should be an IANA link relation or a relation type specific to an established standard canonical Link Relations - Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
name Mandatory name of the online resource Download portal ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.5
description Mandatory detailed text description of what the online resources is/does brief description of the online resource (English) ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.5
function Mandatory code for function performed by the online resource (must be one of 'download', 'information', 'offlineAccess', 'order', 'search') download ISO 19115:2003 Section B.3.2.5
format Optional Format of the distribution method WMS HNAP 2.3
format_version Optional Format version of the distribution method. Note: this value needs to be encoded as a string 1.0 HNAP 2.3
channel Optional channel/topic/exchange when link is a Pub/Sub endpoint my/cool/topic OGC API - Pub/Sub


Property Name Mandatory/Optional Description Example Reference
scope.level Optional hierarchical level of the data specificed by the scope dataset ISO 19115:2003 Section B.2.4.5
lineage.statement Optional general explanationn of the data producer's knowledge about the lineage of a dataset this dataset was produced from a custom process against dataset xyz ISO 19115:2003 Section B.


Keyword Substitution

pygeometa supports using the following keyword substitutions:

  • $year$, which is substituted for the current year with the YYYY format, example: 2016
  • $date$, which is substituted for the current date with the YYYY-MM-DD, example: 2016-12-22 format
  • $datetime$, which is substituted for the current date and time with the YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ, example: 2016-12-22T16:34:15Z format