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eodm offers an option to add extract, transform or load plugins. Below is a minimal transform example.


name = "eodm_plugin"
version = "0.0.0"
dependencies = [

[project.entry-points.'eodm.plugins'] # the entry-point group is the `eodm.plugins`
transform = 'plugins:app' # the plugin finds `extract`, `transform` or `load` entry points with the name `app` in the package `plugins`


import typer

app = typer.Typer(name="plugin", no_args_is_help=True)

def test():
    print("This is a plugin")

The application gets extended with the group called plugin (same as the typer app name) and a single command test:

eodm transform plugin test

This is a sample to get you up to speed. A properly implemented plugin should work by accepting and outputting STAC items, in order to create a full pipeline and leverage existing functions around the plugin that work by taking STAC and outputting STAC.


In addition to creating the plugin, you may need a custom docker image. In that case simply extend the existing docker image and install your plugin.


COPY . .

RUN pip3 install .